EntraID Group Owners and Exchange Online ManagedBy

In the EntraID Portal groups that are created directly in Microsoft 365 or synchronized from Active Directory are displayed. One of the attributes that is present on groups in EntraID is the Owners attribute. A common question I receive from customers is that the owners attribute synchronized from Active Directory does not match the owners attribute of the same group in EntraID.

Managers for groups in Active Directory can be established either by setting the Manager field in Active Directory Users and Computers or by using the Exchange Management Shell / Exchange Control Panel. When in ADUC and on the Managed By tab, the name field displays the distinguished name of the manager and is represented in the LDAP attribute managedBy.

In Exchange on-premises installations groups often have more than one manager. Exchange achieves this by writing the first manager to the LDAP attribute managedBy and all subsequent managers to the LDAP attribute msExchCoManagedByLink. ADUC has no knowledge of the additional attributes. The Exchange Management Shell and Exchange Control Panel include managers from both LDAP fields when displaying the managedBy representation.

Get-DistributionGroup ManagedBy | fl managedBy

ManagedBy : {home.domain.com/DLConversion/MigrationTest/Manager User0,
            home.domain.com/DLConversion/MigrationTest/Manager User1,

The managers of an object in Active Directory can be any valid security principal, for example, a user or security group. In the above example the group is managed by two users and a security group. Here is the same representation from Active Directory:

PS C:\> Get-ADGroup -Identity "CN=ManagedBy,OU=MigrationTest,OU=DLConversion,DC=home,DC=domain,DC=com" -Properties managedBy,msExchCoManagedByLink

DistinguishedName     : CN=ManagedBy,OU=MigrationTest,OU=DLConversion,DC=home,DC=domain,DC=com
GroupCategory         : Security
GroupScope            : Universal
ManagedBy             : CN=Manager User0,OU=MigrationTest,OU=DLConversion,DC=home,DC=domain,DC=com
msExchCoManagedByLink : {CN=Manager User1,OU=MigrationTest,OU=DLConversion,DC=home,DC=e-domain,DC=com,
Name                  : ManagedBy
ObjectClass           : group
ObjectGUID            : c0e9ed6c-22f4-4305-a69a-aee56f0c53b1
SamAccountName        : ManagedBy
SID                   : S-1-5-21-278042269-1514808692-1118015945-448669

In EntraID Connect when an object is synchronized the managedBy and msExchCoManagedByLink attributes are included in the synchronization attribute set. You can observe this by performing a metaverse search on the group and reviewing the attributes discovered during the synchronization process.

A synchronized group is available in the EntraID Portal under groups. When reviewing the group properties a owners field is displayed. The owners field in this case appears empty and no owners are displayed.

If the managers are synchronized, then why is the owners field empty? Owners is not equal to managers. Active Directory Groups or legacy distribution and security groups created in Exchange Online do not have owners they have managers. Managers are not the same as owners at the directory level therefore the owners field is not populated with managers.

In order to review the managers of a group you have to review the properties of the group within Exchange Online.

PS C:\> Get-DistributionGroup ManagedBy | fl managedBy

ManagedBy : {04cfbcd4-42a0-4c60-8220-4488a6af4431, f7aff7bf-3036-4e26-a193-75a28de751f3}

In this instance the managers are represented by the externalDirectoryObjectID of the recipients. If the recipients existed prior to setting the name attribute to externalDirectoryObjectID the name of the user may be displayed.

PS C:\> Get-Recipient 04cfbcd4-42a0-4c60-8220-4488a6af4431 | fl displayName

DisplayName : Manager User0

PS C:\> Get-Recipient f7aff7bf-3036-4e26-a193-75a28de751f3 | fl displayName

DisplayName : Manager User1

In this example both of the USERS that have manager rights on the group are represented in Exchange Online. Earlier though there were three managers, two were users and the remaining a security group. Unfortunately, Exchange Online does not forward sync any other manager except for user types. The group is synchronized to Entra ID as a manager, but will not be represented on the group in Exchange Online. There is no workaround for this behavior except adding individual members to a manager field in Active Directory.

If the owners field in EntraID does not match the managers then why does the owners field exist? The owners field is utilized to display owners of the Microsoft 365 Group type. These groups are often referred to as modern or universal groups. Setting the owners attribute in EntraID or Exchange Online subsequently adjusts the owners across all Microsoft 365 services.

PS C:\> Get-UnifiedGroupLinks -Identity ManagedBy-M365Group -LinkType Owners

Name                                 RecipientType
----                                 -------------
04cfbcd4-42a0-4c60-8220-4488a6af4431 MailUser
f7aff7bf-3036-4e26-a193-75a28de751f3 MailUser

Synchronized groups or distribution / security groups created in Exchange Online do not have owners in EntraID.

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