Tag Archives: azure

EntraID Group Owners and Exchange Online ManagedBy

In the EntraID Portal groups that are created directly in Microsoft 365 or synchronized from Active Directory are displayed. One of the attributes that is present on groups in EntraID is the Owners attribute. A common question I receive from customers is that the owners attribute synchronized from Active Directory does not match the owners attribute of the same group in EntraID.

Managers for groups in Active Directory can be established either by setting the Manager field in Active Directory Users and Computers or by using the Exchange Management Shell / Exchange Control Panel. When in ADUC and on the Managed By tab, the name field displays the distinguished name of the manager and is represented in the LDAP attribute managedBy.

In Exchange on-premises installations groups often have more than one manager. Exchange achieves this by writing the first manager to the LDAP attribute managedBy and all subsequent managers to the LDAP attribute msExchCoManagedByLink. ADUC has no knowledge of the additional attributes. The Exchange Management Shell and Exchange Control Panel include managers from both LDAP fields when displaying the managedBy representation.

Get-DistributionGroup ManagedBy | fl managedBy

ManagedBy : {home.domain.com/DLConversion/MigrationTest/Manager User0,
            home.domain.com/DLConversion/MigrationTest/Manager User1,

The managers of an object in Active Directory can be any valid security principal, for example, a user or security group. In the above example the group is managed by two users and a security group. Here is the same representation from Active Directory:

PS C:\> Get-ADGroup -Identity "CN=ManagedBy,OU=MigrationTest,OU=DLConversion,DC=home,DC=domain,DC=com" -Properties managedBy,msExchCoManagedByLink

DistinguishedName     : CN=ManagedBy,OU=MigrationTest,OU=DLConversion,DC=home,DC=domain,DC=com
GroupCategory         : Security
GroupScope            : Universal
ManagedBy             : CN=Manager User0,OU=MigrationTest,OU=DLConversion,DC=home,DC=domain,DC=com
msExchCoManagedByLink : {CN=Manager User1,OU=MigrationTest,OU=DLConversion,DC=home,DC=e-domain,DC=com,
Name                  : ManagedBy
ObjectClass           : group
ObjectGUID            : c0e9ed6c-22f4-4305-a69a-aee56f0c53b1
SamAccountName        : ManagedBy
SID                   : S-1-5-21-278042269-1514808692-1118015945-448669

In EntraID Connect when an object is synchronized the managedBy and msExchCoManagedByLink attributes are included in the synchronization attribute set. You can observe this by performing a metaverse search on the group and reviewing the attributes discovered during the synchronization process.

A synchronized group is available in the EntraID Portal under groups. When reviewing the group properties a owners field is displayed. The owners field in this case appears empty and no owners are displayed.

If the managers are synchronized, then why is the owners field empty? Owners is not equal to managers. Active Directory Groups or legacy distribution and security groups created in Exchange Online do not have owners they have managers. Managers are not the same as owners at the directory level therefore the owners field is not populated with managers.

In order to review the managers of a group you have to review the properties of the group within Exchange Online.

PS C:\> Get-DistributionGroup ManagedBy | fl managedBy

ManagedBy : {04cfbcd4-42a0-4c60-8220-4488a6af4431, f7aff7bf-3036-4e26-a193-75a28de751f3}

In this instance the managers are represented by the externalDirectoryObjectID of the recipients. If the recipients existed prior to setting the name attribute to externalDirectoryObjectID the name of the user may be displayed.

PS C:\> Get-Recipient 04cfbcd4-42a0-4c60-8220-4488a6af4431 | fl displayName

DisplayName : Manager User0

PS C:\> Get-Recipient f7aff7bf-3036-4e26-a193-75a28de751f3 | fl displayName

DisplayName : Manager User1

In this example both of the USERS that have manager rights on the group are represented in Exchange Online. Earlier though there were three managers, two were users and the remaining a security group. Unfortunately, Exchange Online does not forward sync any other manager except for user types. The group is synchronized to Entra ID as a manager, but will not be represented on the group in Exchange Online. There is no workaround for this behavior except adding individual members to a manager field in Active Directory.

If the owners field in EntraID does not match the managers then why does the owners field exist? The owners field is utilized to display owners of the Microsoft 365 Group type. These groups are often referred to as modern or universal groups. Setting the owners attribute in EntraID or Exchange Online subsequently adjusts the owners across all Microsoft 365 services.

PS C:\> Get-UnifiedGroupLinks -Identity ManagedBy-M365Group -LinkType Owners

Name                                 RecipientType
----                                 -------------
04cfbcd4-42a0-4c60-8220-4488a6af4431 MailUser
f7aff7bf-3036-4e26-a193-75a28de751f3 MailUser

Synchronized groups or distribution / security groups created in Exchange Online do not have owners in EntraID.

EntraID / Office 365: Using Graph Powershell to list domain DNS records…

In the Microsoft 365 Administration center administrators can review the domains they have verified and added to Microsoft 365 services. When a domain is validated and provisioned, the domain name services (DNS) records that are provisioned in Microsoft 365 are displayed for the administrator. This may include records such as the MX record for Exchange Online or the device management records for Intune support.

If the domains blade is not available to you in the Microsoft 365 Administration Center, it is possible to obtain these same records through Microsoft Graph. To obtain the DNS records the command Get-MGDomainServiceConfigurationRecord can be utilized. For API permissions necessary to utilize this command reference the following API permissions guidance.

Whenever utilizing Microsoft Graph commands I always recommend ensuring that the graph commands are running the latest non-preview version. To accomplish this task administrators may run:

Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph.* | update-Module

If you have not yet installed any of the graph modules there are only two modules that are required in order to execute these commands.

Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement

Once the necessary modules have been installed or updated a connection to the Microsoft Graph endpoints must be established. In this example interactive authentication is utilized to establish the connection and prompt the user for credentials. The scopes parameter requests the least restrictive permissions to perform this operation. When connecting with graph command if a scope is not consented to for the particular user either consent can be granted by the user (assuming appropriate rights) or an administrator will be required to grant consent. I also provide the tenantID as a part of the connection. The tenantID can be obtained from the Entra ID portal associated with the domain. This ensures that the connection is made with the appropriate tenant.

connect-MGGraph -scopes "Domain.Read.All" -tenantID "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

This is a sample consent screen

The command can then be issued using the domain name.

$records = Get-MgDomainServiceConfigurationRecord -DomainId domain.net

The information of particular interest is stored within the additionalProperties of each entry. The following command will help organize and interpret the information:

PS C:\> foreach ($record in $records) { $record.label ; $record.AdditionalProperties | ft}

Key          Value
---          -----
@odata.type  #microsoft.graph.domainDnsMxRecord
mailExchange domain-net0c.mail.protection.outlook.com
preference   0


Key         Value
---         -----
@odata.type #microsoft.graph.domainDnsTxtRecord
text        v=spf1 include:spf.protection.outlook.com -all


Key           Value
---           -----
@odata.type   #microsoft.graph.domainDnsCnameRecord
canonicalName autodiscover.outlook.com


Key         Value
---         -----
@odata.type #microsoft.graph.domainDnsSrvRecord
nameTarget  sipdir.online.lync.com
port        443
priority    100
protocol    _tls
service     _sip
weight      1


Key           Value
---           -----
@odata.type   #microsoft.graph.domainDnsCnameRecord
canonicalName sipdir.online.lync.com


Key           Value
---           -----
@odata.type   #microsoft.graph.domainDnsCnameRecord
canonicalName webdir.online.lync.com


Key         Value
---         -----
@odata.type #microsoft.graph.domainDnsSrvRecord
nameTarget  sipfed.online.lync.com
port        5061
priority    100
protocol    _tcp
service     _sipfederationtls
weight      1


Key           Value
---           -----
@odata.type   #microsoft.graph.domainDnsCnameRecord
canonicalName domain.sharepoint.com


Key           Value
---           -----
@odata.type   #microsoft.graph.domainDnsCnameRecord
canonicalName clientconfig.microsoftonline-p.net


Key           Value
---           -----
@odata.type   #microsoft.graph.domainDnsCnameRecord
canonicalName enterpriseregistration.windows.net


Key           Value
---           -----
@odata.type   #microsoft.graph.domainDnsCnameRecord
canonicalName enterpriseenrollment-s.manage.microsoft.com

If the DNS record contains a name within the domain this is represented by the label. The @odata.type provides the type of DNS record expected and the value column lists the value of that record.


Key           Value
---           -----
@odata.type   #microsoft.graph.domainDnsCnameRecord
canonicalName enterpriseenrollment-s.manage.microsoft.com

The previous example would be interpreted as:

DNS Record Name = enterpriseenrollment.domain.net

DNS Record Type = CNAME

DNS Record Value = enterpriseenrollment-s.manage.microsoft.com


Key          Value
---          -----
@odata.type  #microsoft.graph.domainDnsMxRecord
mailExchange domain-net0c.mail.protection.outlook.com
preference   0

The previous example would be interpreted as:

DNS Domain = domain.net

DNS Record Type = MX

DNS Record Value = domain-net0c.mail.protection.outlook.com

DNS Record Preference = 0

In this case an MX record does not have a specific DNS host name unlike other records.

These commands should unblock scenarios where the domains blade is unavailable to you and you need to know the appropriate DNS records to create for your Office 365 integration.

Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity

Microsoft offers a variety of consumer services that end users may sign up for. For example, Xbox accounts, personal OneDrive accounts, and personal office subscriptions. Users may elect to create an account using a Microsoft owned domain (live.com / outlook.com) or through another domain (gmail.com, etc). 

At one time it was possible for users to utilize addresses that were also registered in Office 365. This would essentially allow a user to take their corporate email address and utilize it as an account both in our commercial services and our consumer services. This ability is now blocked once a domain has been added and registered to an Office 365 tenant.

If a user has both an Office 365 and consumer account registered to the same address this generally means:

  • The user established the account prior to when the domain was registered in Office 365.
  • The user established the account prior to the block demonstrated above.

In recent weeks I have spoked with several customers that have raised escalations regarding “Microsoft Account Unusual Sign-in Activity”. In each of these cases the user received an email to their Office 365 email address indicating that unusual sign on activity occurred. When administrators of the tenant were engaged, they were unable to locate any evidence of abnormal sign-ons. The emails originate from “account-security-noreply@accountprotection.microsoft.com” and are addressed to the Office 365 recipient.

In most cases the email address in the TO: line also matches the email address that is obscured. 

When examining the email there are some methods to determine that this event is related to a consumer account. The first method involves reviewing the links contained in the email. In this case there are two links and in each case the links point to accessing consumer services:

Another easy method of confirming if the user has both an Office 365 and consumer account is to launch a browser in in-private mode. Access https://portal.office.com and specify the account email address. If the user is prompted to access either a “Work or School” and a “Personal Account” the user has both.

The last method of verify that a user has both an Office 365 account and a personal account is for administrators to utilize Powershell and our identity tools module. The command has the ability to extract for administrators the presence of a consumer account associated with an Office 365 identity.

Install-Module -Name MSIdentityTools 
Get-MsIdHasMicrosoftAccount -Mail "use@e-domain.com"

In this case the return value of TRUE confirms that the user has a consumer identity. 

The user that owns the consumer account should be advised to access the account and review the sign on activity. Administrators may also recommend that the user disassociate their corporate identity from the consumer account using the following instructions: Change the email address or phone number for your Microsoft account (Opens in new window or tab)

Administrators may also find the following information helpful regarding commercial and consumer account overlap.

Entra Connect and Single Object Deletion

It may become necessary to purge an object an Entra Connect connector space. A connector space exists for each directory that is added to an Entra Connect installation. Typical installations have two connector spaces, one for the local Active Directory and the other for Entra ID. More complex installations may have more than one connector space for Active Director.

When a user object is synchronized to Entra ID the Active Directory attributes are read into the Active Directory connector space. When the object is successfully written to Entra ID, the Entra ID attributes are read into the Entra ID connector space.

In some instances, it becomes necessary to purge the information within a connector space in order to fix a synchronization issue. Purging an object from a connector space allows the Entra Connect process to re-read the objects properties from the directory where the deletion occurred. For example, purging an object from the Active Directory and Entra ID connector spaces will force the object to be re-read from both directories and sync operation performed on the refreshed attributes. It is also possible to remove an object from either of the connector spaces without removing it from both.

To facilitate this process, I have released a script to the Powershell Gallery that automates the remove of the object from one or both connector spaces. The script offers several options to execute.

To save the script log into your Entra Connect server and create a directory. Within this directory run:

Save-Script Reset-EntraConnectObject -path .\

This saves the scripts to the local path. 

The script provides a variety of options for execution each performing slightly different functions. 

Option 1:

This option is used when the Active Directory and Entra Connect distinguished names are both known. This information is generally obtained from a metaverse search and copying the respective distinguished names from the connector spaces. When executed the connector space objects are extracted by distinguished name and a deletion from the connector spaces is processed. A single item synchronization is automatically triggered to refresh each connector space with the objects properies.

.\reset-EntraConnectObject.ps1 -logFolderPath c:\temp -EntraDN "CN={4272736E37395A7742456D3474535578366A746558413D3D}" -ADObjectDN "CN=Tim McMichael,OU=Users,OU=Objects,DC=home,DC=domain,DC=com"

Option 2

This option is used when only Active Directory information is known, and an object deletion should occur from both the Active Directory and Entra connector spaces. When executed an Active Directory call is made to locate the user by either distinguished name, objectGUID, or mail attribute. This call is made using the specified domain controller and credentials. When the user is located the sourceAnchor for the Entra Connect installation is determined and the Entra ID distinguished name is automatically calculated. A deletion from each connector space is processed. A single item synchronization is automatically triggered to refresh each connector space with the object properties. This is helpful if you only have access to the Active Directory information or are unable to perform a metaverse search to determine distinguished name values.

.\reset-EntraConnectObject.ps1 -logFolderPath c:\temp -EntraDN -ADObjectDN "CN=Tim McMichael,OU=Users,OU=Objects,DC=home,DC=domain,DC=com" -globalCatalogServer "Azure-dc-0.home.domain.com" -activeDirectoryCredential $cred
 .\reset-EntraConnectObject.ps1 -logFolderPath c:\temp -ADObjectmail "tim@domain.com" -activeDirectoryCredential $cred -globalCatalogServer "azure-dc-0.home.domain.com"
.\reset-EntraConnectObject.ps1 -logFolderPath c:\temp -EntraDN -ADObjectGUID "ef27bb06-70d6-4904-b8b5-2531ea3b5e5c" -activeDirectoryCredential $cred -globalCatalogServer "azure-dc-0.domain.com"

Option 3

This option is utilized when you only want to purge information from the Active Directory connector space. Generally, this is reserved for specific scenarios under the guidance of support. It functions in the same manner as Option 2 with the exception that no Entra ID distinguished name is calculated.

.\reset-EntraConnectObject.ps1 -logFolderPath c:\temp -EntraDN -ADObjectDN "CN=Tim McMichael,OU=Users,OU=Objects,DC=home,DC=domain,DC=com" -globalCatalogServer "Azure-dc-0.home.domain.com" -activeDirectoryCredential $cred -calculateEntraDN:$FALSE
 .\reset-EntraConnectObject.ps1 -logFolderPath c:\temp -ADObjectmail "tim@domain.com" -activeDirectoryCredential $cred -globalCatalogServer "azure-dc-0.home.domain.com" -calculateEntraDN:$FALSE
.\reset-EntraConnectObject.ps1 -logFolderPath c:\temp -EntraDN -ADObjectGUID "ef27bb06-70d6-4904-b8b5-2531ea3b5e5c" -activeDirectoryCredential $cred -globalCatalogServer "azure-dc-0.domain.com" -calculateEntraDN:$FALSE

Option 4

This option is utilized when you only want to purge information from the Entra ID connector space. Generally, this is reserved for specific scenarios under the guidance of support. The Entra ID distinguished name is determined by locating the object in the connector space and copying the distinguished name value. Note that this option triggers a delta synchronization when the process is complete.

.\reset-EntraConnectObject.ps1 -logFolderPath c:\temp -EntraDN "CN={4272736E37395A7742456D3474535578366A746558413D3D}"

Option 5

This option is utilized when more than one Active Directory connector space is present. If the script detects the presence of more than on Active Directory connector space an error is returned. The connector space name must be specified when running the command to ensure that the desired object is deleted. Depending on the scenario it may be necessary to not perform the single item sync until an object is deleted from all connector spaces.

In this example the user exists in the Active Directory home.domain.com and domain.local. (This is typical for example in a resource forest scenario). To complete purge this object the object must be purged from three connector spaces. The distinguished names were obtained through a metaverse search.

The first command purges the object from one Active Directory connector space and the Entra ID connector space. Note that single object sync is not performed as the object still exists in the second Active Directory connector space.

.\reset-EntraConnectObject.ps1 -logFolderPath c:\temp -EntraDN "CN={4272736E37395A7742456D3474535578366A746558413D3D}" -ADObjectDN "CN=Tim McMichael,OU=Users,OU=Objects,DC=home,DC=domain,DC=com" -CalculateEntraDN:$FALSE -skipSingleItemSync:$TRUE -ADConnectorName "home.domain.com"

The second command purges the object from the second Active Directory connector space. At the conclusion of this command the full object sync should be allowed to run (which is the default).

.\reset-EntraConnectObject.ps1 -logFolderPath c:\temp -ADObjectDN "CN=Tim McMichael,OU=Users,OU=Objects,DC=domain,DC=local" -CalculateEntraDN:$FALSE -ADConnectorName "domain.local"

Other information…

For each operation run a folder is created in the log path directory specified. The folder is a file date time stamp. Inside this folder is the operation log file and XML file extractions of all objects discovered during the connector space deletions. If a full single item sync was executed a JSONsummary file of the sync operation is also included in this directory.

I hope this script allows administrators to purge objects from connector spaces for troubleshooting or issue resolution easily.